Show HN: WikiBinge – discover how all things are vaguely connected (2016)

Show HN: WikiBinge – discover how all things are vaguely connected (2016) Connect two articles on Wikipedia, but do it the long way. I've always been a fan of the theory of six degree of separation, but it's an overused concept when exploring the Wiki-graph. Instead of showing the shortest path, which in my opinion is "boring" and ends up connecting super-important central articles, I came up with my own method: WikiBinge selects the smaller, less represented articles on Wikipedia. In a WikiBinge path, the underdogs are the kings! How does it work? It's pretty straightforward! Compute PageRank on the Wiki-graph and assign as weight of each edge the PageRank value of the destination node. A WikiBinge path is then simply a shortest path using these weights: the algorithm will then favor paths passing through articles with lower PageRank values. More on the motives to build this here: This is an older project of mine, but it never got much exposure, so I'm humbly submitting it now. April 14, 2023 at 11:18PM

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