
Showing posts from November, 2022

Show HN: Notion Standup – Get daily reports on your tasks on Notion

Show HN: Notion Standup – Get daily reports on your tasks on Notion Notion Standup helps you to receive daily standup reports on email and other channels for your and your team's current and overdue tasks on Notion. Stay updated always with daily reports through email, Slack, Discord, Webhook, Zapier, and Telegram. December 1, 2022 at 07:10AM

Show HN: AudioGata, a plugin based Web Audio player

Show HN: AudioGata, a plugin based Web Audio player November 30, 2022 at 11:15PM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: AudioGata, a plugin based Web Audio player

Show HN: AudioGata, a plugin based Web Audio player November 30, 2022 at 11:15PM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: AudioGata, a plugin based Web Audio player

Show HN: AudioGata, a plugin based Web Audio player November 30, 2022 at 11:15PM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: AudioGata, a plugin based Web Audio player

Show HN: AudioGata, a plugin based Web Audio player November 30, 2022 at 11:15PM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: AudioGata, a plugin based Web Audio player

Show HN: AudioGata, a plugin based Web Audio player November 30, 2022 at 11:15PM

Show HN: Overengineering guest WiFi logins for fun (sadly not profit)

Show HN: Overengineering guest WiFi logins for fun (sadly not profit) Hey HN! I wanted to share a project that I've been working on for a while and finally "completed" (until next time I try to improve it, that is). The idea is that I wanted my guest wifi password to change frequently, but I also didn't want my guests to hate me every time they came over to visit. Hence be_my_guest was born. Please let me know what you think! November 29, 2022 at 10:01PM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: Overengineering guest WiFi logins for fun (sadly not profit)

Show HN: Overengineering guest WiFi logins for fun (sadly not profit) Hey HN! I wanted to share a project that I've been working on for a while and finally "completed" (until next time I try to improve it, that is). The idea is that I wanted my guest wifi password to change frequently, but I also didn't want my guests to hate me every time they came over to visit. Hence be_my_guest was born. Please let me know what you think! November 29, 2022 at 10:01PM

Show HN: Compare GPT DaVinci-002 and 003 summaries of current top HN stories

Show HN: Compare GPT DaVinci-002 and 003 summaries of current top HN stories Based on quick extensions to the open source telegram summarization bot I posted a few days ago ( ), you can see for yourself how davinci 002 and 003 compare on the current top HN stories for the same prompt and temperature (0.2). Items that don't have summaries are usually due to a failure to access meaningful url content. November 29, 2022 at 07:11AM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: Python library for embedding large graphs (Written in Rust)

Show HN: Python library for embedding large graphs (Written in Rust) November 29, 2022 at 11:50AM

Show HN: Compare GPT DaVinci-002 and 003 summaries of current top HN stories

Show HN: Compare GPT DaVinci-002 and 003 summaries of current top HN stories Based on quick extensions to the open source telegram summarization bot I posted a few days ago ( ), you can see for yourself how davinci 002 and 003 compare on the current top HN stories for the same prompt and temperature (0.2). Items that don't have summaries are usually due to a failure to access meaningful url content. November 29, 2022 at 07:11AM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: Compare GPT DaVinci-002 and 003 summaries of current top HN stories

Show HN: Compare GPT DaVinci-002 and 003 summaries of current top HN stories Based on quick extensions to the open source telegram summarization bot I posted a few days ago ( ), you can see for yourself how davinci 002 and 003 compare on the current top HN stories for the same prompt and temperature (0.2). Items that don't have summaries are usually due to a failure to access meaningful url content. November 29, 2022 at 07:11AM

Show HN: Hacker way to half app development time and cost

Show HN: Hacker way to half app development time and cost November 28, 2022 at 04:56AM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: Hacker way to half app development time and cost

Show HN: Hacker way to half app development time and cost November 28, 2022 at 04:56AM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: Hacker way to half app development time and cost

Show HN: Hacker way to half app development time and cost November 28, 2022 at 04:56AM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: Hacker way to half app development time and cost

Show HN: Hacker way to half app development time and cost November 28, 2022 at 04:56AM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: WebStickies – Sticky notes for the internet

Show HN: WebStickies – Sticky notes for the internet I made a browser extension that lets you leave notes on websites. Some features: search by content, add tags, sync, export/import November 27, 2022 at 11:25PM

Show HN: Hacker way to half app development time and cost

Show HN: Hacker way to half app development time and cost November 28, 2022 at 04:56AM

Show HN: Wehn young, we read solw and eojny more. Get that aiagn with this app

Show HN: Wehn young, we read solw and eojny more. Get that aiagn with this app If you can read this, you are one of the plpoee who can raed text in wihch the first and lsat letrets are uncghenad and the mlddie leterts are scrambled. Tihs technique, and others taht make rdnaeig swoler (such as cingnahg the font to Papyrus) hvae been shown to incearse rneitoten of information. Wtih tihs bookmarklet, you can force yuorself to raed sloewr and wtih mroe effort, pteliolnaty iionmvprg retention. November 27, 2022 at 04:57AM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: I created a Chrome extension to help keep good posture while browsing

Show HN: I created a Chrome extension to help keep good posture while browsing Hey HN, this is a small project I created that blurs your browser window whenever you start slouching. I'm sure it can be improved, but I wanted to put it out there in case anyone was interested. Links to the github repo [0] and the extension on the Chrome Webstore [1]. I'd love to get some feedback on it. [0] [1] November 27, 2022 at 08:27AM

Show HN: Wehn young, we read solw and eojny more. Get that aiagn with this app

Show HN: Wehn young, we read solw and eojny more. Get that aiagn with this app If you can read this, you are one of the plpoee who can raed text in wihch the first and lsat letrets are uncghenad and the mlddie leterts are scrambled. Tihs technique, and others taht make rdnaeig swoler (such as cingnahg the font to Papyrus) hvae been shown to incearse rneitoten of information. Wtih tihs bookmarklet, you can force yuorself to raed sloewr and wtih mroe effort, pteliolnaty iionmvprg retention. November 27, 2022 at 04:57AM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: Wehn young, we read solw and eojny more. Get that aiagn with this app

Show HN: Wehn young, we read solw and eojny more. Get that aiagn with this app If you can read this, you are one of the plpoee who can raed text in wihch the first and lsat letrets are uncghenad and the mlddie leterts are scrambled. Tihs technique, and others taht make rdnaeig swoler (such as cingnahg the font to Papyrus) hvae been shown to incearse rneitoten of information. Wtih tihs bookmarklet, you can force yuorself to raed sloewr and wtih mroe effort, pteliolnaty iionmvprg retention. November 27, 2022 at 04:57AM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: Wehn young, we read solw and eojny more. Get that aiagn with this app

Show HN: Wehn young, we read solw and eojny more. Get that aiagn with this app If you can read this, you are one of the plpoee who can raed text in wihch the first and lsat letrets are uncghenad and the mlddie leterts are scrambled. Tihs technique, and others taht make rdnaeig swoler (such as cingnahg the font to Papyrus) hvae been shown to incearse rneitoten of information. Wtih tihs bookmarklet, you can force yuorself to raed sloewr and wtih mroe effort, pteliolnaty iionmvprg retention. November 27, 2022 at 04:57AM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: Wehn young, we read solw and eojny more. Get that aiagn with this app

Show HN: Wehn young, we read solw and eojny more. Get that aiagn with this app If you can read this, you are one of the plpoee who can raed text in wihch the first and lsat letrets are uncghenad and the mlddie leterts are scrambled. Tihs technique, and others taht make rdnaeig swoler (such as cingnahg the font to Papyrus) hvae been shown to incearse rneitoten of information. Wtih tihs bookmarklet, you can force yuorself to raed sloewr and wtih mroe effort, pteliolnaty iionmvprg retention. November 27, 2022 at 04:57AM

Show HN: Open-source case management for KYC/B (built-in OCR, face matching ML)

Show HN: Open-source case management for KYC/B (built-in OCR, face matching ML) Hi everyone, We have just released an open-source case management dashboard for manually approving/rejecting KYC requests (know your customer) with built-in OCR & face-matching functionalities. Next steps: - Enable KYB (business onboarding) documents and personas approval. - Connected backend between our KYC flow and the case management dashboard. - Releasing an open-source rule engine, to help automate decisions. We’d love for you to try it out, give us feedback, and suggest features that would make it applicable to you. And if the rest of the project is relevant or interesting to you, follow us here: and we’ll update you once new things are available. Thanks! November 26, 2022 at 01:14AM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for ...

Show HN: Open Source Bot That Summarizes Top Hacker News Stories Using GPT-3

Show HN: Open Source Bot That Summarizes Top Hacker News Stories Using GPT-3 November 26, 2022 at 05:34AM

Show HN: Open-source case management for KYC/B (built-in OCR, face matching ML)

Show HN: Open-source case management for KYC/B (built-in OCR, face matching ML) Hi everyone, We have just released an open-source case management dashboard for manually approving/rejecting KYC requests (know your customer) with built-in OCR & face-matching functionalities. Next steps: - Enable KYB (business onboarding) documents and personas approval. - Connected backend between our KYC flow and the case management dashboard. - Releasing an open-source rule engine, to help automate decisions. We’d love for you to try it out, give us feedback, and suggest features that would make it applicable to you. And if the rest of the project is relevant or interesting to you, follow us here: and we’ll update you once new things are available. Thanks! November 26, 2022 at 01:14AM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: Open-source case management for KYC/B (built-in OCR, face matching ML)

Show HN: Open-source case management for KYC/B (built-in OCR, face matching ML) Hi everyone, We have just released an open-source case management dashboard for manually approving/rejecting KYC requests (know your customer) with built-in OCR & face-matching functionalities. Next steps: - Enable KYB (business onboarding) documents and personas approval. - Connected backend between our KYC flow and the case management dashboard. - Releasing an open-source rule engine, to help automate decisions. We’d love for you to try it out, give us feedback, and suggest features that would make it applicable to you. And if the rest of the project is relevant or interesting to you, follow us here: and we’ll update you once new things are available. Thanks! November 26, 2022 at 01:14AM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: Open-Source Page Block Builder with Remix and Tailwind CSS

Show HN: Open-Source Page Block Builder with Remix and Tailwind CSS November 26, 2022 at 04:04AM

Show HN: Open-source case management for KYC/B (built-in OCR, face matching ML)

Show HN: Open-source case management for KYC/B (built-in OCR, face matching ML) Hi everyone, We have just released an open-source case management dashboard for manually approving/rejecting KYC requests (know your customer) with built-in OCR & face-matching functionalities. Next steps: - Enable KYB (business onboarding) documents and personas approval. - Connected backend between our KYC flow and the case management dashboard. - Releasing an open-source rule engine, to help automate decisions. We’d love for you to try it out, give us feedback, and suggest features that would make it applicable to you. And if the rest of the project is relevant or interesting to you, follow us here: and we’ll update you once new things are available. Thanks! November 26, 2022 at 01:14AM

Show HN: Google Sheets GOOGLEFINANCE() reliability enhancement

Show HN: Google Sheets GOOGLEFINANCE() reliability enhancement Anyone who uses GOOGLEFINANCE() for stock/ETF prices and then logs your total portfolio assets daily (by trigger), knows that it is not 100% reliable. What I wanted was something that would use the last good data point if GOOGLEFINANCE was failing. So I added caching to solve this problem. There is also another issue that GOOGLEFINANCE is particularly bad with Canadian stock symbols. It also does not find stock/etf dividend yields. For this I query a few finance websites to pull in the missing info. Now the problem looking up a couple hundred symbols using =CACHEFINANCE() (my custom function) was the dreaded 'Loading' error, which would also cause asset tracking to fail - so... I also added the capability to run as a trigger function, so it has now been 100% success for my logging. The app script will create a trigger for each job required (i.e. pricing is one, yieldpct is another, etc.). It will also automatically ...

Show HN: Stable Diffusion v2 web interface

Show HN: Stable Diffusion v2 web interface November 25, 2022 at 01:28AM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: World Cup 2022 CLI Dashboard – Watch matches in your terminal

Show HN: World Cup 2022 CLI Dashboard – Watch matches in your terminal November 25, 2022 at 03:26AM

Show HN: Have fun betting virtual (not real) money on predictions from HN users

Show HN: Have fun betting virtual (not real) money on predictions from HN users I wanted to see how difficult it would be to build a web app using a sub-$300 android smartphone. Decided to build a fun predictions website where you could bet virtual (not real) money on predictions made by others, and also make predictions of your own. Building it turned out to be considerably easier and more fun than I anticipated. Primary tools used were: # QuickEdit as the mobile code editor (Note: the free version of the QuickEdit app is riddled with ads, it shows an advert each time you close a tab, but it unfortunately had the best UI of the 3 or so Android code editors I tested. Ended up using NetGuard to block it from retrieving & displaying ads), # PHP for the Backend ( custom PHP microframework I've used and built on over the past few years ). # jQuery for the frontend js ( cringing ) - it appears I'm simply too lazy to learn React/Vue/et al. Every once in a while, I pick one of the...

Show HN: Stable Diffusion v2 web interface

Show HN: Stable Diffusion v2 web interface November 25, 2022 at 01:28AM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: Stable Diffusion v2 web interface

Show HN: Stable Diffusion v2 web interface November 25, 2022 at 01:28AM

Show HN: I built an app that scans every social media network for your username

Show HN: I built an app that scans every social media network for your username November 23, 2022 at 11:35PM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: Makeshift GPU tensor core using 64-bit CPU integer math

Show HN: Makeshift GPU tensor core using 64-bit CPU integer math November 24, 2022 at 02:23AM

Show HN: I built an app that scans every social media network for your username

Show HN: I built an app that scans every social media network for your username November 23, 2022 at 11:35PM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: I built an app that scans every social media network for your username

Show HN: I built an app that scans every social media network for your username November 23, 2022 at 11:35PM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: Markdown Presentations with Webcam in Background

Show HN: Markdown Presentations with Webcam in Background November 23, 2022 at 11:51PM

Show HN: I built an app that scans every social media network for your username

Show HN: I built an app that scans every social media network for your username November 23, 2022 at 11:35PM

Show HN: Transform & integrate data with this modern replacement for Airflow

Show HN: Transform & integrate data with this modern replacement for Airflow You can now use Mage to build data integration pipelines along with streaming pipelines, batch processing pipelines, and more: November 22, 2022 at 11:12PM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: Transform & integrate data with this modern replacement for Airflow

Show HN: Transform & integrate data with this modern replacement for Airflow You can now use Mage to build data integration pipelines along with streaming pipelines, batch processing pipelines, and more: November 22, 2022 at 11:12PM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: CodeLink: create links to blocks of code in your IDE

Show HN: CodeLink: create links to blocks of code in your IDE Small team down here in South New Zealand just launched CodeLink. In short its an IDE (VSCode/JetBrains) plugin that lets you share blocks of code that link directly to the code inside your IDE or repo. We use it all the time and think its pretty nifty tech that lets you understand someone’s code in context very quickly. we’re hoping to keep refining it to make it better and more useful. November 23, 2022 at 02:33AM

Show HN: Transform & integrate data with this modern replacement for Airflow

Show HN: Transform & integrate data with this modern replacement for Airflow You can now use Mage to build data integration pipelines along with streaming pipelines, batch processing pipelines, and more: November 22, 2022 at 11:12PM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: Transform & integrate data with this modern replacement for Airflow

Show HN: Transform & integrate data with this modern replacement for Airflow You can now use Mage to build data integration pipelines along with streaming pipelines, batch processing pipelines, and more: November 22, 2022 at 11:12PM

Show HN: I built a job board for payments and fin-tech engineering jobs

Show HN: I built a job board for payments and fin-tech engineering jobs November 22, 2022 at 03:45AM

Show HN: General Task, a free task manager for builders (beta)

Show HN: General Task, a free task manager for builders (beta) Hello everyone! I left my job to start General Task a little over a year ago, and have been building a better free task manager with a small team. We aim to be the best place where one can find what’s next in their workday and we integrate with a number of different services to help do that. We’re still in the early stages of a beta, but so far you can: - Create/edit tasks with due dates, priorities, and folders - Drag tasks onto your calendar to block off time to do them (syncs with GCal) - Sync with Linear (JIRA coming soon) to see tasks assigned to you - Sync with Github to see your PRs - Integrate with Slack to make tasks directly from Slack What sets us apart? We know there are tons of task managers out there. We believe ours is different because it is tailor-made for engineers, with integrations for Github PRs, Linear and Slack. We also support dragging tasks onto your calendar, which is usually only found in premium ...

Show HN: Organize Carpools with Co-Workers

Show HN: Organize Carpools with Co-Workers Here's something I've been working on to help employees find carpooling options with co-workers. With inflation & gas prices going up this seems like a really good thing to have going forward. Happy to have any feedback and I'll roll it back into the site. Thank you! This is a repost after 10 weeks up working on feedback from HN with updates and a website redesign [1]. I submitted this before and there was very good feedback about target audience, need to show benefits, etc. Basically, I had a website that looked like it was designed by a programmer. I'd spent 95% of the work on the backend systems and 5% on the website. I've tried to majorly improve the website with screenshots and demos now. [1] November 22, 2022 at 03:00AM

Show HN: General Task, a free task manager for builders (beta)

Show HN: General Task, a free task manager for builders (beta) Hello everyone! I left my job to start General Task a little over a year ago, and have been building a better free task manager with a small team. We aim to be the best place where one can find what’s next in their workday and we integrate with a number of different services to help do that. We’re still in the early stages of a beta, but so far you can: - Create/edit tasks with due dates, priorities, and folders - Drag tasks onto your calendar to block off time to do them (syncs with GCal) - Sync with Linear (JIRA coming soon) to see tasks assigned to you - Sync with Github to see your PRs - Integrate with Slack to make tasks directly from Slack What sets us apart? We know there are tons of task managers out there. We believe ours is different because it is tailor-made for engineers, with integrations for Github PRs, Linear and Slack. We also support dragging tasks onto your calendar, which is usually only found in premium ...

Show HN: General Task, a free task manager for builders (beta)

Show HN: General Task, a free task manager for builders (beta) Hello everyone! I left my job to start General Task a little over a year ago, and have been building a better free task manager with a small team. We aim to be the best place where one can find what’s next in their workday and we integrate with a number of different services to help do that. We’re still in the early stages of a beta, but so far you can: - Create/edit tasks with due dates, priorities, and folders - Drag tasks onto your calendar to block off time to do them (syncs with GCal) - Sync with Linear (JIRA coming soon) to see tasks assigned to you - Sync with Github to see your PRs - Integrate with Slack to make tasks directly from Slack What sets us apart? We know there are tons of task managers out there. We believe ours is different because it is tailor-made for engineers, with integrations for Github PRs, Linear and Slack. We also support dragging tasks onto your calendar, which is usually only found in premium ...

Show HN: General Task, a free task manager for builders (beta)

Show HN: General Task, a free task manager for builders (beta) Hello everyone! I left my job to start General Task a little over a year ago, and have been building a better free task manager with a small team. We aim to be the best place where one can find what’s next in their workday and we integrate with a number of different services to help do that. We’re still in the early stages of a beta, but so far you can: - Create/edit tasks with due dates, priorities, and folders - Drag tasks onto your calendar to block off time to do them (syncs with GCal) - Sync with Linear (JIRA coming soon) to see tasks assigned to you - Sync with Github to see your PRs - Integrate with Slack to make tasks directly from Slack What sets us apart? We know there are tons of task managers out there. We believe ours is different because it is tailor-made for engineers, with integrations for Github PRs, Linear and Slack. We also support dragging tasks onto your calendar, which is usually only found in premium ...

Show HN: I built a game to test OKLCH colors/gradients in my canvas library

Show HN: I built a game to test OKLCH colors/gradients in my canvas library November 21, 2022 at 02:52AM

Show HN: We created a tool to visualize scientific knowledge

Show HN: We created a tool to visualize scientific knowledge I posted our project a few days ago in a thread about Vitamin D. We’ve made some UI improvements people might find interesting. November 20, 2022 at 10:41PM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: C++17 RISC-V RV32/64/128 userspace emulator library

Show HN: C++17 RISC-V RV32/64/128 userspace emulator library November 21, 2022 at 01:28AM

Show HN: We created a tool to visualize scientific knowledge

Show HN: We created a tool to visualize scientific knowledge I posted our project a few days ago in a thread about Vitamin D. We’ve made some UI improvements people might find interesting. November 20, 2022 at 10:41PM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: We created a tool to visualize scientific knowledge

Show HN: We created a tool to visualize scientific knowledge I posted our project a few days ago in a thread about Vitamin D. We’ve made some UI improvements people might find interesting. November 20, 2022 at 10:41PM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: We created a tool to visualize scientific knowledge

Show HN: We created a tool to visualize scientific knowledge I posted our project a few days ago in a thread about Vitamin D. We’ve made some UI improvements people might find interesting. November 20, 2022 at 10:41PM

Show HN: Verofile

Show HN: Verofile November 20, 2022 at 03:04AM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: Verofile

Show HN: Verofile November 20, 2022 at 03:04AM

Show HN: API to deliver responsive images for Web

Show HN: API to deliver responsive images for Web November 19, 2022 at 03:29PM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: API to deliver responsive images for Web

Show HN: API to deliver responsive images for Web November 19, 2022 at 03:29PM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: API to deliver responsive images for Web

Show HN: API to deliver responsive images for Web November 19, 2022 at 03:29PM

Show HN: A minimal, keyboard centric Firefox theme

Show HN: A minimal, keyboard centric Firefox theme Hi, Tired with unneccacary clutter, and not that many options for minimal browsers, with the option of browsing without toolbars. I made this quick tweak. By now means a technical feat, but it does the job. Figured some of you might enjoy! November 19, 2022 at 02:38AM

Show HN: Try out Stable Diffusion models for free

Show HN: Try out Stable Diffusion models for free November 18, 2022 at 11:55PM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: Get answers for shell commands from GPT3 from your terminal

Show HN: Get answers for shell commands from GPT3 from your terminal I was constantly googling CLI commands so I built this small CLI tool with GPT3. You can ask for shell commands right from the CLI. You'd need to use your own API KEY for this but it's pretty simple, instructions are in the README Not perfect but not bad either. November 18, 2022 at 12:34PM

Show HN: Try out Stable Diffusion models for free

Show HN: Try out Stable Diffusion models for free November 18, 2022 at 11:55PM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: Try out Stable Diffusion models for free

Show HN: Try out Stable Diffusion models for free November 18, 2022 at 11:55PM

Show HN: Cartwright – Automating detection of geographic and temporal features

Show HN: Cartwright – Automating detection of geographic and temporal features Cartwright is a data profiler that identifies and categorizes spatial and temporal features. Cartwright uses deep learning, natural language processing, and a variety of heuristics to determine whether a column in a dataset contains spatial or temporal information and, if so, what is specifically contained. Cartwright was built to automate complex data pipelines for heterogenous climate and geopolitical data that are generally oriented around geospatial and temporal features (think maps and time series). The challenge that Cartwright solves is automatically detecting those features so they can be parsed and normalized. This problem turns out to be quite tricky, but Cartwright makes it simple. November 17, 2022 at 09:22PM

Show HN: Flowchart-based planning tool to see the big picture (miro and asana)

Show HN: Flowchart-based planning tool to see the big picture (miro and asana) Hey HN, My dad, friend, and I have been working hard on building Twigflo, a flowchart-based project planning tool to help teams visualize their projects using the concept reverse planning. When I was a data consultant, I struggled keeping my team and clients aligned to a specific goal. Spreadsheets or equivalent tracking tools did a good job showing what to do but didn't explain why we were doing it and where we were going. So, like many of us here, we invested the time into building our own tool. We tried to make Twiglfo as goal-oriented and BIG PICTURE as possible. You and your team can set a goal and define how you get there. The key thing is everything you put on the canvas has to lead to the goal itself. If it cant be tied to the goal, no need to do it. We've had some early users (not friends or family) call this their preferred method of visualizing and communicating the big picture. You can ea...

Show HN: I'm building the Costco for apparel

Show HN: I'm building the Costco for apparel Hey there, I’m building Think of it as a Costco for apparel, pay a yearly membership and get the best prices on high quality clothes with no weird logos or designs. The apparel is typically sold at cost+10%(to cover handling and logistics) Site is almost finished, technically is fully operational meaning you can buy the membership right now and the orders will fulfill, but need to fix some factors(landing page, copy, favicon, etc.) Also make sure to check the FAQ page, will answer most questions. If there are other questions you think I should answer let me know Would love any feedback, be honest! Thanks. November 18, 2022 at 02:42AM

Show HN: A Search Engine for React Components

Show HN: A Search Engine for React Components I built this to help developers create UI faster. Just search for a component, make quick visual edits, then export the code. November 18, 2022 at 12:37AM

Show HN: Flowchart-based planning tool to see the big picture (miro and asana)

Show HN: Flowchart-based planning tool to see the big picture (miro and asana) Hey HN, My dad, friend, and I have been working hard on building Twigflo, a flowchart-based project planning tool to help teams visualize their projects using the concept reverse planning. When I was a data consultant, I struggled keeping my team and clients aligned to a specific goal. Spreadsheets or equivalent tracking tools did a good job showing what to do but didn't explain why we were doing it and where we were going. So, like many of us here, we invested the time into building our own tool. We tried to make Twiglfo as goal-oriented and BIG PICTURE as possible. You and your team can set a goal and define how you get there. The key thing is everything you put on the canvas has to lead to the goal itself. If it cant be tied to the goal, no need to do it. We've had some early users (not friends or family) call this their preferred method of visualizing and communicating the big picture. You can ea...

Show HN: Flowchart-based planning tool to see the big picture (miro and asana)

Show HN: Flowchart-based planning tool to see the big picture (miro and asana) Hey HN, My dad, friend, and I have been working hard on building Twigflo, a flowchart-based project planning tool to help teams visualize their projects using the concept reverse planning. When I was a data consultant, I struggled keeping my team and clients aligned to a specific goal. Spreadsheets or equivalent tracking tools did a good job showing what to do but didn't explain why we were doing it and where we were going. So, like many of us here, we invested the time into building our own tool. We tried to make Twiglfo as goal-oriented and BIG PICTURE as possible. You and your team can set a goal and define how you get there. The key thing is everything you put on the canvas has to lead to the goal itself. If it cant be tied to the goal, no need to do it. We've had some early users (not friends or family) call this their preferred method of visualizing and communicating the big picture. You can ea...

Show HN: Pomodoro Timer with Friends

Show HN: Pomodoro Timer with Friends November 17, 2022 at 12:44AM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: Narrative BI – Turn marketing data into automated narratives

Show HN: Narrative BI – Turn marketing data into automated narratives Michael and Yury here – we're building a no-code analytics platform for growth teams that automatically generates actionable data insights. After working in the data space for many years, we realized there was still a huge gap in the marketing analytics market. Growth teams have so much marketing and advertising data, yet this siloed data is not actionable. The existing BI and search-driven analytics solutions are designed for data-savvy people. In our experience (previously built an NLP company called FriendlyData), non-technical people just don't know what questions to ask. So we decided to try a different approach: Narrative BI automatically generates a personalized feed of insights. You just need to connect your data sources (takes 2 min to set up), and you will get automated narratives, alerts, and reports in minutes. We currently support UA, GA4, Google Ads, and Facebook Ads, but many more integrations ...

Show HN: I Built a Gaming GeoGuessr

Show HN: I Built a Gaming GeoGuessr My friend and I made a fully featured gaming geoguessr - complete with 360 degree panoramas, movement, leaderboards, and multiplayer. We had made a Fortnite geoguessr a while back, and although this was well received, our goal always was to bring the worlds of all games to the browser. A much harder task considering the scale and scope of many open world games. We had to make a bunch of tools to be able to achieve this. World of Warcraft alone took us roughly 3,000,000 images to do (and will likely need another 1,000,000 for Dragonflight once it releases). We are finally at a point where we are happy to release this into the wild and let people try it, although we are still working hard on adding all the games that are listed as coming soon. If you're ever bored, and would like to test your gaming map knowledge - or would just like to explore the world in your browser akin to Google StreetView, you can check us out at https:/...

Show HN: Pomodoro Timer with Friends

Show HN: Pomodoro Timer with Friends November 17, 2022 at 12:44AM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: Narrative BI – Turn marketing data into automated narratives

Show HN: Narrative BI – Turn marketing data into automated narratives Michael and Yury here – we're building a no-code analytics platform for growth teams that automatically generates actionable data insights. After working in the data space for many years, we realized there was still a huge gap in the marketing analytics market. Growth teams have so much marketing and advertising data, yet this siloed data is not actionable. The existing BI and search-driven analytics solutions are designed for data-savvy people. In our experience (previously built an NLP company called FriendlyData), non-technical people just don't know what questions to ask. So we decided to try a different approach: Narrative BI automatically generates a personalized feed of insights. You just need to connect your data sources (takes 2 min to set up), and you will get automated narratives, alerts, and reports in minutes. We currently support UA, GA4, Google Ads, and Facebook Ads, but many more integrations ...

Show HN: I Built a Gaming GeoGuessr

Show HN: I Built a Gaming GeoGuessr My friend and I made a fully featured gaming geoguessr - complete with 360 degree panoramas, movement, leaderboards, and multiplayer. We had made a Fortnite geoguessr a while back, and although this was well received, our goal always was to bring the worlds of all games to the browser. A much harder task considering the scale and scope of many open world games. We had to make a bunch of tools to be able to achieve this. World of Warcraft alone took us roughly 3,000,000 images to do (and will likely need another 1,000,000 for Dragonflight once it releases). We are finally at a point where we are happy to release this into the wild and let people try it, although we are still working hard on adding all the games that are listed as coming soon. If you're ever bored, and would like to test your gaming map knowledge - or would just like to explore the world in your browser akin to Google StreetView, you can check us out at https:/...

Show HN: Pomodoro Timer with Friends

Show HN: Pomodoro Timer with Friends November 17, 2022 at 12:44AM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: Pomodoro Timer with Friends

Show HN: Pomodoro Timer with Friends November 17, 2022 at 12:44AM

Show HN: Woodpecker, an unusual Zachtronics-inspired cryptography challenge

Show HN: Woodpecker, an unusual Zachtronics-inspired cryptography challenge November 16, 2022 at 02:12AM

Show HN: Make word clouds context aware

Show HN: Make word clouds context aware November 15, 2022 at 11:32PM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: Kùzu: An Embeddable GDBMS like DuckDB/SQLite from UWaterloo

Show HN: Kùzu: An Embeddable GDBMS like DuckDB/SQLite from UWaterloo Hello HN! Today, we are pleased to publicly release Kùzu: a new embeddable graph database management system under a permissible license. You can see our blog post in the above link that gives an overview of the system and our goals/vision. The system is in its early stages but please try it out and give us your feedback, tell us your feature requests, and please report bugs! November 15, 2022 at 07:18PM

Show HN: Make word clouds context aware

Show HN: Make word clouds context aware November 15, 2022 at 11:32PM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: The German Job Market Is Crashing

Show HN: The German Job Market Is Crashing If we looked at the German Job Market as if it were the stock market, we would say that it's crashing! On the following link you can see my pet project where I have been scrapping the major job offer portal in Germany for over one year. In the last two weeks it has lost 33% percent of all posted job offers and it keeps dropping as a rock :-( Dashboard: Source Code: Slide Deck: November 16, 2022 at 12:32AM

Show HN: Make word clouds context aware

Show HN: Make word clouds context aware November 15, 2022 at 11:32PM

Show HN: Science fiction inspired by an HN thread (5 min read)

Show HN: Science fiction inspired by an HN thread (5 min read) Inspired by some awesome comments in: November 14, 2022 at 11:57PM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: Lightweight 2D/3D engine in D with Raylib

Show HN: Lightweight 2D/3D engine in D with Raylib November 15, 2022 at 02:36AM

Show HN: Use Slack Emoji on GitHub

Show HN: Use Slack Emoji on GitHub November 15, 2022 at 02:48AM

Show HN: Science fiction inspired by an HN thread (5 min read)

Show HN: Science fiction inspired by an HN thread (5 min read) Inspired by some awesome comments in: November 14, 2022 at 11:57PM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: Dlna-cast, a command line tool to cast PC screen to DLNA devices

Show HN: Dlna-cast, a command line tool to cast PC screen to DLNA devices dlna-cat is a cross-platform command-line tool that casts screen and media file to remote DLNA device. dlna-cast uses ffmpeg to capture screen and audio, then convert them into HLS streams which could be served by a simple HTTP server. The HLS url will be send to the selected device via uPnP protocol and then you can watch you screen on the remote device (smart TV, typically). This tool is supposed to be cross-platform but currently I don't have a Linux or MacOS device at hand so it can only run on Windows now. It won't be hard to support other platforms though, as there are no platform specific dependencies. HLS is chosen just because it is easy to implement. But the problem of HLS is its high latency (up to 5-10s or more) so it's definitely not for scenarios that require low latency (presentation for example). But as a trade-off the streaming quality exceeds a lot of software screen-casting solution...

Show HN: Science fiction inspired by an HN thread (5 min read)

Show HN: Science fiction inspired by an HN thread (5 min read) Inspired by some awesome comments in: November 14, 2022 at 11:57PM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: Science fiction inspired by an HN thread (5 min read)

Show HN: Science fiction inspired by an HN thread (5 min read) Inspired by some awesome comments in: November 14, 2022 at 11:57PM

Show HN: A tiny WASM compiler and runtime for demonstration purposes

Show HN: A tiny WASM compiler and runtime for demonstration purposes Hello, I'm building a WebAssembly compiler and documenting the process in the meantime. This aims to be a tool for demonstration and education purpose. It doesn't aim to do fancy stuff nor to replace existing ones. I'm building this to learn and to improve and hopefully it can be useful for others as well :) From last time I've presented the idea, I've implemented more basic features on Luna and I've built a custom and tiny runtime for Luna! (documenting it of course). Any feedback is really appreciated :) Repo: November 13, 2022 at 09:41PM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: WebApp/Site Builder with IDE and Visual Editor

Show HN: WebApp/Site Builder with IDE and Visual Editor Hi folks, Let me know about your experience! Some of the features are: + Free SSL + Free Subdomain + Connecting Domain + Collaboration + Code IDE with Auto-completion + Visual Editor + ... November 14, 2022 at 01:26AM

Show HN: A tiny WASM compiler and runtime for demonstration purposes

Show HN: A tiny WASM compiler and runtime for demonstration purposes Hello, I'm building a WebAssembly compiler and documenting the process in the meantime. This aims to be a tool for demonstration and education purpose. It doesn't aim to do fancy stuff nor to replace existing ones. I'm building this to learn and to improve and hopefully it can be useful for others as well :) From last time I've presented the idea, I've implemented more basic features on Luna and I've built a custom and tiny runtime for Luna! (documenting it of course). Any feedback is really appreciated :) Repo: November 13, 2022 at 09:41PM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: Using GPT-3 to guess Wattpad users' passwords

Show HN: Using GPT-3 to guess Wattpad users' passwords November 13, 2022 at 11:00PM

Show HN: A tiny WASM compiler and runtime for demonstration purposes

Show HN: A tiny WASM compiler and runtime for demonstration purposes Hello, I'm building a WebAssembly compiler and documenting the process in the meantime. This aims to be a tool for demonstration and education purpose. It doesn't aim to do fancy stuff nor to replace existing ones. I'm building this to learn and to improve and hopefully it can be useful for others as well :) From last time I've presented the idea, I've implemented more basic features on Luna and I've built a custom and tiny runtime for Luna! (documenting it of course). Any feedback is really appreciated :) Repo: November 13, 2022 at 09:41PM

Show HN: A GitHub business card generator

Show HN: A GitHub business card generator I built this small app for fun, to play with image generation thanks to Vercel’s new library [1]. You enter your GitHub username (or anyone’s), and it generates an image with a few info about your account. [1] November 12, 2022 at 11:47PM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: A GitHub business card generator

Show HN: A GitHub business card generator I built this small app for fun, to play with image generation thanks to Vercel’s new library [1]. You enter your GitHub username (or anyone’s), and it generates an image with a few info about your account. [1] November 12, 2022 at 11:47PM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: A GitHub business card generator

Show HN: A GitHub business card generator I built this small app for fun, to play with image generation thanks to Vercel’s new library [1]. You enter your GitHub username (or anyone’s), and it generates an image with a few info about your account. [1] November 12, 2022 at 11:47PM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: A GitHub business card generator

Show HN: A GitHub business card generator I built this small app for fun, to play with image generation thanks to Vercel’s new library [1]. You enter your GitHub username (or anyone’s), and it generates an image with a few info about your account. [1] November 12, 2022 at 11:47PM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: A GitHub business card generator

Show HN: A GitHub business card generator I built this small app for fun, to play with image generation thanks to Vercel’s new library [1]. You enter your GitHub username (or anyone’s), and it generates an image with a few info about your account. [1] November 12, 2022 at 11:47PM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: A GitHub business card generator

Show HN: A GitHub business card generator I built this small app for fun, to play with image generation thanks to Vercel’s new library [1]. You enter your GitHub username (or anyone’s), and it generates an image with a few info about your account. [1] November 12, 2022 at 11:47PM

Show HN: ShowMeYourHotKeys – A macOS app to show applications menu shortcuts

Show HN: ShowMeYourHotKeys – A macOS app to show applications menu shortcuts Hi everyone, ShowMeYourHotKeys is a macOS application I worked for the last months. This app shows the frontmost app's menu items shortcuts (it also have some other features) There is a beta version available on the website. Accessibility permission is necessary to obtain menu items informations and Full disk Access is necessary to create custom shortcuts. I would love to hear all the feedbacks and suggestions. Thank you for your attention. November 11, 2022 at 09:45PM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: We made metadata-secure video conferencing that's easy to use

Show HN: We made metadata-secure video conferencing that's easy to use November 12, 2022 at 04:33AM

Show HN: ShowMeYourHotKeys – A macOS app to show applications menu shortcuts

Show HN: ShowMeYourHotKeys – A macOS app to show applications menu shortcuts Hi everyone, ShowMeYourHotKeys is a macOS application I worked for the last months. This app shows the frontmost app's menu items shortcuts (it also have some other features) There is a beta version available on the website. Accessibility permission is necessary to obtain menu items informations and Full disk Access is necessary to create custom shortcuts. I would love to hear all the feedbacks and suggestions. Thank you for your attention. November 11, 2022 at 09:45PM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: Vaga, the Embeddable Community Chat

Show HN: Vaga, the Embeddable Community Chat Vaga is Intercom for communities. It is the chatbox you can copy paste into your app or website to build a community natively, instead of Discord. November 12, 2022 at 01:25AM

Show HN: ShowMeYourHotKeys – A macOS app to show applications menu shortcuts

Show HN: ShowMeYourHotKeys – A macOS app to show applications menu shortcuts Hi everyone, ShowMeYourHotKeys is a macOS application I worked for the last months. This app shows the frontmost app's menu items shortcuts (it also have some other features) There is a beta version available on the website. Accessibility permission is necessary to obtain menu items informations and Full disk Access is necessary to create custom shortcuts. I would love to hear all the feedbacks and suggestions. Thank you for your attention. November 11, 2022 at 09:45PM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: ShowMeYourHotKeys – A macOS app to show applications menu shortcuts

Show HN: ShowMeYourHotKeys – A macOS app to show applications menu shortcuts Hi everyone, ShowMeYourHotKeys is a macOS application I worked for the last months. This app shows the frontmost app's menu items shortcuts (it also have some other features) There is a beta version available on the website. Accessibility permission is necessary to obtain menu items informations and Full disk Access is necessary to create custom shortcuts. I would love to hear all the feedbacks and suggestions. Thank you for your attention. November 11, 2022 at 09:45PM

Show HN: An API for CO₂ Removal

Show HN: An API for CO₂ Removal Hi all, We're Fabienne and Ewan of Climacrux. Today we're proud to launch our latest project to try and make carbon dioxide removal as accessible as possible: CDR Platform [1]. In short: it’s an API to connect to a portfolio of carbon removers. You can purchase from as low as a single gram and select from both natural and technological removal methods. Longer: A couple of years ago we launched an alternative to carbon credits, Carbon Removed[2], designed for individuals to buy and subscribe to CDR. But we always had the nagging thought that there was more that could be done. CDR Platform is our foundation for that - a simple API to get prices and purchase (at the moment). Our plan is to become the Stripe of the carbon removal ecosystem, seamlessly connecting the supply to the demand. We’d love to hear your feedback. Do you see a use case for this and would you use it? What features have we missed? Do you understand what we’re doing and if not, wh...

Show HN: An API for CO₂ Removal

Show HN: An API for CO₂ Removal Hi all, We're Fabienne and Ewan of Climacrux. Today we're proud to launch our latest project to try and make carbon dioxide removal as accessible as possible: CDR Platform [1]. In short: it’s an API to connect to a portfolio of carbon removers. You can purchase from as low as a single gram and select from both natural and technological removal methods. Longer: A couple of years ago we launched an alternative to carbon credits, Carbon Removed[2], designed for individuals to buy and subscribe to CDR. But we always had the nagging thought that there was more that could be done. CDR Platform is our foundation for that - a simple API to get prices and purchase (at the moment). Our plan is to become the Stripe of the carbon removal ecosystem, seamlessly connecting the supply to the demand. We’d love to hear your feedback. Do you see a use case for this and would you use it? What features have we missed? Do you understand what we’re doing and if not, wh...

Show HN: Elonman (Animated Webcomic)

Show HN: Elonman (Animated Webcomic) November 11, 2022 at 02:00AM

Show HN: An API for CO₂ Removal

Show HN: An API for CO₂ Removal Hi all, We're Fabienne and Ewan of Climacrux. Today we're proud to launch our latest project to try and make carbon dioxide removal as accessible as possible: CDR Platform [1]. In short: it’s an API to connect to a portfolio of carbon removers. You can purchase from as low as a single gram and select from both natural and technological removal methods. Longer: A couple of years ago we launched an alternative to carbon credits, Carbon Removed[2], designed for individuals to buy and subscribe to CDR. But we always had the nagging thought that there was more that could be done. CDR Platform is our foundation for that - a simple API to get prices and purchase (at the moment). Our plan is to become the Stripe of the carbon removal ecosystem, seamlessly connecting the supply to the demand. We’d love to hear your feedback. Do you see a use case for this and would you use it? What features have we missed? Do you understand what we’re doing and if not, wh...

Show HN: An API for CO₂ Removal

Show HN: An API for CO₂ Removal Hi all, We're Fabienne and Ewan of Climacrux. Today we're proud to launch our latest project to try and make carbon dioxide removal as accessible as possible: CDR Platform [1]. In short: it’s an API to connect to a portfolio of carbon removers. You can purchase from as low as a single gram and select from both natural and technological removal methods. Longer: A couple of years ago we launched an alternative to carbon credits, Carbon Removed[2], designed for individuals to buy and subscribe to CDR. But we always had the nagging thought that there was more that could be done. CDR Platform is our foundation for that - a simple API to get prices and purchase (at the moment). Our plan is to become the Stripe of the carbon removal ecosystem, seamlessly connecting the supply to the demand. We’d love to hear your feedback. Do you see a use case for this and would you use it? What features have we missed? Do you understand what we’re doing and if not, wh...

Show HN: An API for CO₂ Removal

Show HN: An API for CO₂ Removal Hi all, We're Fabienne and Ewan of Climacrux. Today we're proud to launch our latest project to try and make carbon dioxide removal as accessible as possible: CDR Platform [1]. In short: it’s an API to connect to a portfolio of carbon removers. You can purchase from as low as a single gram and select from both natural and technological removal methods. Longer: A couple of years ago we launched an alternative to carbon credits, Carbon Removed[2], designed for individuals to buy and subscribe to CDR. But we always had the nagging thought that there was more that could be done. CDR Platform is our foundation for that - a simple API to get prices and purchase (at the moment). Our plan is to become the Stripe of the carbon removal ecosystem, seamlessly connecting the supply to the demand. We’d love to hear your feedback. Do you see a use case for this and would you use it? What features have we missed? Do you understand what we’re doing and if not, wh...

Show HN: Hypertest - A test runner for developers with ADHD

Show HN: Hypertest - A test runner for developers with ADHD TL;DR: a test runner focused on making devs w/ ADHD happy. Hello HN! My name is Yuval, a dev with ADHD. I believe there's different design constraints on tooling for devs with ADHD compared to their "normal"counterparts. That's what I'm here to solve. I gathered experiences of other ADHD devs, to summarize: ( ) - Memory: People w/ ADHD have horrendous short term memory (hard to keep grasp of the current *thing/task*) - Distraction: Are easily distracted, tend to fall off the focus wagon easily. - Boring Maintenance: They need and use lists, but are bad at maintaining them. A star would feel awesome (MIT licensed): November 9, 2022 at 10:56PM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: Hypertest - A test runner for developers with ADHD

Show HN: Hypertest - A test runner for developers with ADHD TL;DR: a test runner focused on making devs w/ ADHD happy. Hello HN! My name is Yuval, a dev with ADHD. I believe there's different design constraints on tooling for devs with ADHD compared to their "normal"counterparts. That's what I'm here to solve. I gathered experiences of other ADHD devs, to summarize: ( ) - Memory: People w/ ADHD have horrendous short term memory (hard to keep grasp of the current *thing/task*) - Distraction: Are easily distracted, tend to fall off the focus wagon easily. - Boring Maintenance: They need and use lists, but are bad at maintaining them. A star would feel awesome (MIT licensed): November 9, 2022 at 10:56PM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: Hypertest - A test runner for developers with ADHD

Show HN: Hypertest - A test runner for developers with ADHD TL;DR: a test runner focused on making devs w/ ADHD happy. Hello HN! My name is Yuval, a dev with ADHD. I believe there's different design constraints on tooling for devs with ADHD compared to their "normal"counterparts. That's what I'm here to solve. I gathered experiences of other ADHD devs, to summarize: ( ) - Memory: People w/ ADHD have horrendous short term memory (hard to keep grasp of the current *thing/task*) - Distraction: Are easily distracted, tend to fall off the focus wagon easily. - Boring Maintenance: They need and use lists, but are bad at maintaining them. A star would feel awesome (MIT licensed): November 9, 2022 at 10:56PM

Show HN: XFrame – Create your own multisearch page

Show HN: XFrame – Create your own multisearch page November 9, 2022 at 04:50PM

Show HN: – Earn money by answering StackOverflow questions

Show HN: – Earn money by answering StackOverflow questions Hi! I am looking for honest feedback on my next product. is a Chrome extension that adds a button on StackOverflow standard page to pay for an answer. You answer and get paid when the answer is accepted. I am selling it to Enterprises as an affordable, subscription-based, pay-as-you-go service. Let me know your thoughts. November 9, 2022 at 02:24PM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: – Earn money by answering StackOverflow questions

Show HN: – Earn money by answering StackOverflow questions Hi! I am looking for honest feedback on my next product. is a Chrome extension that adds a button on StackOverflow standard page to pay for an answer. You answer and get paid when the answer is accepted. I am selling it to Enterprises as an affordable, subscription-based, pay-as-you-go service. Let me know your thoughts. November 9, 2022 at 02:24PM

Show HN: – quickly find/follow your Twitter follows on Mastodon

Show HN: – quickly find/follow your Twitter follows on Mastodon Built this in my spare time over the last couple days to help people explore Mastodon with some friendly faces. Feedback welcome! Early feedback: Random errors connecting to twitter or mastodon instances. - working on this. November 8, 2022 at 11:37PM

Show HN: GPT3, stable-diffusion with templates in Obsidian

Show HN: GPT3, stable-diffusion with templates in Obsidian November 8, 2022 at 04:10PM

Show HN: Slashbase – open-source collaborative IDE for databases in browser

Show HN: Slashbase – open-source collaborative IDE for databases in browser November 8, 2022 at 12:15PM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: Slashbase – open-source collaborative IDE for databases in browser

Show HN: Slashbase – open-source collaborative IDE for databases in browser November 8, 2022 at 12:15PM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: Slashbase – open-source collaborative IDE for databases in browser

Show HN: Slashbase – open-source collaborative IDE for databases in browser November 8, 2022 at 12:15PM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Show HN: Slashbase – open-source collaborative IDE for databases in browser

Show HN: Slashbase – open-source collaborative IDE for databases in browser November 8, 2022 at 12:15PM

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Show HN: TLDR: Click the link to see some cool visualizations, refresh a few times for random examples, and try editing some of the code yourself. This is a small weekend project of mine inspired by It's a static single-page site hosted on GitHub pages so the website design is pretty barebones. I'm not a web developer so I mainly wanted to create a Cool Thing with my free time and not have to learn tons of front-end to do it. I'd love to hear what people think about it and please post or send me any shaders you make! You can use the link button in the bottom right to share. I hope that this gets more people interested in shaders because GPU programming is a pretty different paradigm and learning it has made me a better software engineer even though my current job doesn't touch it. That said, textshader only runs normal Javascript on the CPU so think of it like a simplified sandbox and not the real thing. I'd highly recommend checking out...

Show HN: Hacker News for Events

Show HN: Hacker News for Events is a Hacker News for events. Share tech and around tech events here. Who's hosting an event in your area this upcoming week? Share it here, let the community know. November 7, 2022 at 11:22AM

Show HN:

Show HN: TLDR: Click the link to see some cool visualizations, refresh a few times for random examples, and try editing some of the code yourself. This is a small weekend project of mine inspired by It's a static single-page site hosted on GitHub pages so the website design is pretty barebones. I'm not a web developer so I mainly wanted to create a Cool Thing with my free time and not have to learn tons of front-end to do it. I'd love to hear what people think about it and please post or send me any shaders you make! You can use the link button in the bottom right to share. I hope that this gets more people interested in shaders because GPU programming is a pretty different paradigm and learning it has made me a better software engineer even though my current job doesn't touch it. That said, textshader only runs normal Javascript on the CPU so think of it like a simplified sandbox and not the real thing. I'd highly recommend checking out...

Show HN:

Show HN: TLDR: Click the link to see some cool visualizations, refresh a few times for random examples, and try editing some of the code yourself. This is a small weekend project of mine inspired by It's a static single-page site hosted on GitHub pages so the website design is pretty barebones. I'm not a web developer so I mainly wanted to create a Cool Thing with my free time and not have to learn tons of front-end to do it. I'd love to hear what people think about it and please post or send me any shaders you make! You can use the link button in the bottom right to share. I hope that this gets more people interested in shaders because GPU programming is a pretty different paradigm and learning it has made me a better software engineer even though my current job doesn't touch it. That said, textshader only runs normal Javascript on the CPU so think of it like a simplified sandbox and not the real thing. I'd highly recommend checking out...

Show HN:

Show HN: TLDR: Click the link to see some cool visualizations, refresh a few times for random examples, and try editing some of the code yourself. This is a small weekend project of mine inspired by It's a static single-page site hosted on GitHub pages so the website design is pretty barebones. I'm not a web developer so I mainly wanted to create a Cool Thing with my free time and not have to learn tons of front-end to do it. I'd love to hear what people think about it and please post or send me any shaders you make! You can use the link button in the bottom right to share. I hope that this gets more people interested in shaders because GPU programming is a pretty different paradigm and learning it has made me a better software engineer even though my current job doesn't touch it. That said, textshader only runs normal Javascript on the CPU so think of it like a simplified sandbox and not the real thing. I'd highly recommend checking out...

Show HN:

Show HN: TLDR: Click the link to see some cool visualizations, refresh a few times for random examples, and try editing some of the code yourself. This is a small weekend project of mine inspired by It's a static single-page site hosted on GitHub pages so the website design is pretty barebones. I'm not a web developer so I mainly wanted to create a Cool Thing with my free time and not have to learn tons of front-end to do it. I'd love to hear what people think about it and please post or send me any shaders you make! You can use the link button in the bottom right to share. I hope that this gets more people interested in shaders because GPU programming is a pretty different paradigm and learning it has made me a better software engineer even though my current job doesn't touch it. That said, textshader only runs normal Javascript on the CPU so think of it like a simplified sandbox and not the real thing. I'd highly recommend checking out...

Show HN: Utility for Searching the Earliest Root Commit (Open Source)

Show HN: Utility for Searching the Earliest Root Commit (Open Source) I wrote the utility for searching the earliest root commit in a repository and the earliest repository in a repository group. Repositories are searched recursively in the specified base directories. The earliest root commit and the earliest repository in a repository group are determined in the two ways: by author datetime and by committer datetime. Collected data are represented in the JSON format. The utility is written in Python. I also tried to use type hints, data classes and generators as much as possible. November 6, 2022 at 12:36AM Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!! Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka ...

Show HN: OpenCrossword Suite - Make and share your own puzzles

Show HN: OpenCrossword Suite - Make and share your own puzzles November 6, 2022 at 08:49AM